1. For every bag review I get I will give you one seller's information. PLEASE ONLY BAG REVIEW OF REPS OR AUTHENTIC BAGS. I much rather prefer reps. DO NOT GIVE ME PICTURES OF BAGS FROM COMPANY LIKE NINE WEST, GUESS, PAYLESS OR OTHER LESS KNOWN DESIGNERS. These kind of bag reviews don't help anyone.
2. Take 5 pictures (If you could take more that would be great.) and I will be posting your pictures on my blog and giving you the credit. Take pictures of the bag's handles (Make sure there is no plastic covering the handles. If there is, just remove it or move it to the side and then take the picture. I need pictures of BOTH HANDLES.), inside the bag, front of the bag, back of the bag and the last picture should be a picture of your hand doing the bunny ears or peace sign with the bag. (The reason I ask this is because I know that the pictures you take are really yours and you didn't just copy it from any websites. Anyone could put in a watermark on the pictures. Not many people take pictures with their hand doing the bunny ears with the bag.) Make sure I could open up your files and your pictures are good, if I cannot open it up I cannot give you the seller's information. If your pictures have too much glare or blurriness I cannot accept it. There are no exceptions.
3.Write a paragraph about your bag and your shopping experience and where did you get the bag. Just 4 or 5 sentences, if you want to write more that would be great.
4. I don't know how many responses I will get, if I don't get to you, please be patient. Please e-mail all the pictures and your experiences to craftress@yahoo.com.
5. I will not make any exceptions. These rules apply to everyone. Once I do give you the sellers' information, PLEASE DO NOT POST IT IN THE COMMENT BELOW. I will delete it. It's only fair that everyone contributes and get the sellers by themselves. I will also be deleting any seller's information on the comment below or any hints in obtaining the seller's information. This is only fair and it's not hard to do one bag review. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE IT OUT TO OTHERS OR POST IT ONLINE OPENLY. This is to protect the sellers and make sure that they do stay in business.
Here are some tips in taking good pictures of your bag. Turn off the flash and open up some windows to let in natural light. When you take the picture it would not create this glare or white spot. Use the close up mode in your camera to take details of the bag, like the buckle, zipper or stitching and it eliminate any blurry pictures.
Here are some tips in taking good pictures of your bag. Turn off the flash and open up some windows to let in natural light. When you take the picture it would not create this glare or white spot. Use the close up mode in your camera to take details of the bag, like the buckle, zipper or stitching and it eliminate any blurry pictures.
6. Please give me bag reviews only. If you only have wallets, wristlets, coin purses or clutches for reviews only, then give me 2-3 reviews of the items I listed for one seller's information.
Here are some ideas of what to write about. Comment on the color, size and stitching of the bag. Do you like the bag? Is it cheaply made and what are your thoughts when you got the bag? How long did you have to wait in receiving the bag? Was it expensive? Where did you buy it? etc.
Here is an example of a bag I took picture to show you what is considered acceptable. When you take a picture of you doing the bunny ears make sure you don't block the bag. As you can see from the pictures below.
Picture #1-Front of the bag |
Picture #2- back of the bag. |
Picture #3- the bag handle. |
Picture #4- Inside of the bag. |
Picture #5- your hand doing the bunny ears with the bag. Do not block the bag. |
Picture #5- your hand to the side doing the bunny ears with the bag. Do not block the bag. |
Miasma said...
ReplyDeleteI'm about to formulate my review but I have a few questions:
1. Do we get to pick which seller's information we receive?
2. Does the replica bag have to come from Jacky, Catty, Joy, etc. etc? I have a few replicas but they don't come from them (mainly random websites I found before I found out a majority of the rep websites I now know).
3. How big/small should the photos be? My camera takes humongous photos (1024 pixels x 768 pixels - normal desktop size), which is great if you want to see all the details but they could be too huge to put down on a blog.
Hi Miasma, those are some good questions.
ReplyDelete1. Yes you could pick any seller information you want for each bag review.
2. No the reps could be any website.
3. The pictures you take from your camera is fine because it can be re-sized later on, which I could do myself. If I have problems doing that I'll let you know.
Craftress, I have seen your name on a few other sites. I agree with you on your honest opinion of certain sites. It was thanks to your pics of the mini lin Speedy that I am ordering one myself. I don't really care too much for the sellers info, but I really would rather see a blog that is unbiased with knowledge and insight on these reps. I rather never see anyone get scammed out of hard earned dough or have to carry around an ugly bag. I too stumbled across Sofia Nolan's site, my comments were both removed and never posted and I recently made my first purchase with Joy.
ReplyDeleteI have no problem sending you pics when I get my order in. I also have bags from sellers that are 2-5 years old that have a patina and are lovely, I may send you those as well if I have the time. I really hope the amount of followers on this blog grows. You seem to mean well and not be biased. Good luck with it!
Hi DiDi, welcome to my blog. I am glad my blog was able to help you. Please e-mail me pictures when you do get it. I think everyone here will appreciated very much especially me.
ReplyDeleteHi, Craftress, is it possible to give a review on replica vs. authentics by using pictures from websites, or do I have to own these specific reps or authentic? I found some tips in finding descrpencies in replicas compared to the authentic ones...
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to give you three different reviews for 3 different seller information? Thanks!
"Hi, Craftress, is it possible to give a review on replica vs. authentics by using pictures from websites, or do I have to own these specific reps or authentic? I found some tips in finding descrpencies in replicas compared to the authentic ones...
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to give you three different reviews for 3 different seller information? Thanks!"
Of course you could do that. It's fine. Just for bags you brought you have to take a picture of your hand doing the peace sign or bunny ears as the example I posted above. I could give you one seller information for each bag review you do. So if you give me three bag reviews I give you three sellers information. Very simple.
ust to be clear in case there are any confusion. You could give a review on replica vs, authentic. You could give me pics of the authentic bag from other websites, but your reps have to be pics you take as example posted above.
Hi Craftress,
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned that you will give a seller's info for every bag review you get. I have been wanting to buy from Jacky or Catty but haven't been able to find their websites. So how do I submit a review?
"Hi Craftress,
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned that you will give a seller's info for every bag review you get. I have been wanting to buy from Jacky or Catty but haven't been able to find their websites. So how do I submit a review?
Please read. It explained everything on this page and Ace gave me a bag review, you could use that as an example for your bag review.
Tia said...
ReplyDeleteHi Craftress,
I have not previously purchased a replica bag online and I was interested in obtaining Jacky's details so that I could look into buying a Chloe Paraty medium tote (havn't decided what colour). I do however have two replica Louis Vuitton bags that I bought in Venice (Monogram Neverfull, for 40 euro) and Florence (Damier Azur Speedu 25, for 30 euro) in Italy from July of this year.
I am more than willing to take lost of photos of these bags so everyone can possibly compare the quality of these bags to their online purchases.
Would this be sufficient?
Yes Tia, As long as you follow the rules and regulations I posted above.
ReplyDeleteI've been wanting to get the site for Jacky but unable to. I've ordered from Fabaaa a week ago out of desperation and have yet to receive the bags nor any emails.
I've got an old miu miu authentic and a 2 years old replica LV tivoli as a present. I do not have any idea where my friend bought it from except that she got it while on holiday in china. Can i submit it still?
To muitfaces. Yes, As long as you follow the rules and regulations I posted above.
ReplyDeleteHi Craftress,
ReplyDeleteHow do I post a review? I'm not familiar with blogspot, can I email you? Here's mine: cfabienne@gmail.com Please mail me to tell me how to post a review, I need Jacky's adress too...
Thanks :)
Hello Craftress,
ReplyDeleteI've read your message on It Takes a Fake and congrats on your new blog...AWESOME. Unfortunately I have no reviews to offer as I am just starting my journey. I have all authentic bags but never bought a LV (or any on that caliber). Too expensive for my blood, so I decided to go the replica route. When I thought of reps I always thought of cheap Canal St in NYC..haha NOT. I didn't realize the intricacies involved and how reps have evolved. I don’t know if you can help me or would want to but I need to be referred to a high quality seller. Hard-earned money is too valuable to waist. I would appreciate you or anybody who would be so kind to point me in the right direction. Otherwise my search will go on forever LOL! I will not buy from anybody unless an actual purchaser can give me testimony. Thank you!!!
Hello. I have been reading your posts. I am interested in purchasing my FIRST high quality replica and I would like to do so from "Jacky". Being that this will be my first designer bag, I don't have a bag that I can review. How can I go about getting Jacky's information?
ReplyDelete"Hello. I have been reading your posts. I am interested in purchasing my FIRST high quality replica and I would like to do so from "Jacky". Being that this will be my first designer bag, I don't have a bag that I can review. How can I go about getting Jacky's information?"
ReplyDeleteHi and welcome to the blog. You could borrow a bag from your friends or family members and do a bag review. I am sure one of them have a bag.
DeleteI used to have Jacky's website. I purchased quite a few bags from him. Recently he cut off a lot of loyal customers. I don't even know if his website still existed. If you have info on Jacky's new site I would be glad to review all my bags I purchased from Jacky. Please email me back at freak.purse@yahoo.com.
Hi Craftress, can I email you my review? How do I get in touch with you?
ReplyDeleteMy email is jesskat514@gmail.com, if you could tell me how to email you that would be great!
ReplyDeleteTo Jess, please read the information above and send the bag review to craftress@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI look foward to being part of this blog,..thanks for starting it, Craftress.
ReplyDeleteI received my first replica handbag, after researching the web I bought it from Posh****.com, it's a Louis Vuitton Azur Speedy 35, it is awesome, I had it authenticated to see what they would say, wait til you hear the info, I will send you pictures and a full review.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is great. Please provide Jacky and other sellers info.
sorry, it's lazylizzee@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI woul love to have jacky and cathy website,please...my email audrey_rn@hotmail.com
ReplyDeletemany thanks
Good morning Craftress,
ReplyDeleteI submitted a bag review to your yahoo account. I receieved my bag this past weekend and couldn't wait to review it. I hope you received it ok. Let me know if you didn't. star718212@yahoo.com
Thank you!
Wow I am so GLAD to have stumbled onto this site..I was so ready to purchase from 7star..ive been agonizing for a month now on where to get a Super rep of LV, Chanel and Prada...mainly LV..I too would love Catty's website...thanks ladies..thanks craftress!!!!! you saved me THOUSANDS!!
ReplyDeleteThis is great! Now that iv'e read this i'll send in a review of my speedy tonight! Thanks Craftress!
ReplyDeleteIf someone could email me Jacky's new website it would be greatly appreciated! bailee@SoulshineVintage.com
ReplyDeletehi guys i have wanted a chanel from jacky/catty for a long time please reply me where i can get it! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to bump into your blog!i have been researching about the right place n review of the sites and I fell for Sofia Nolan review on purse valley, so so tempted since their website look convincing.I nearly made a purchase before I decided to do more research on their website. I wanted to buy the LV vernis for my mom, since she fall in love a first sight of the beauty. I can't afford to buy the auth. one but Im looking for a good replica coz my mom don't care of the brand, just the look is important. I dont want to get scam for something thats not even worth the money n its for my mom as a gift, so i want to avoid dissapointment. can u email me those recommended seller to heyhaniebaby@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to have come across this blog. I am so paranoid about finding the "perfect" A+++ replica that I feel like I'm going nuts.
ReplyDeleteI would love to do a review; only I don't own a rep bag - but I DO own a rep wallet. Does that count? Please let me know.
Hi I was wondering if someone could send my Catty or Jacky's website info? I'm looking for a near authentic LV. I'll send my review. Thanks so soo much
ReplyDeleteI think that giving bag reviews, it's very fair because we all should contribute to this & help others. :) But I have a question: I can give you reviews for 4 of my bags, but they're all authentic. I haven't got a replica yet. Is that a problem?
Hi, I've never purchased a fake bag before, because I just don't know which site to buy from. I have been hearing so much about Jackie and would really like to get his site info. I promise that as soon as I make a purchase, I will post a review. Thank you so much, I appreciate all the help in advance:). My email is honey678@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteHi craftress! I am so happy to have found this blog! I am the gal who emailed you in regards to my Eva Knox/Sofia Nolan ordeal... I only have authentics right now but I will do a submission on 1 or 2 of those tomorrow so that I can get the name exchange from you and be on my way to purchasing mirror image reps without the worry of getting burned. I figure if I submit a few reals, it will help others at least when they do comparison shopping for rep versions. Then as I stack up my collection of reps, I will continue submiting pix to you :-) Again, thanks for the excellent blog.
ReplyDeleteHi, I have been searching for months for a site i trust and came so close to purchasing from a site that after reading through this blog i realise would have been a huge mistake. Thank you to you all for the comments, it's obviously so easy to make a mistake or get scammed. I would love to get the details of the seller Jacky or any of the others that are recommended. I will definitely post a review as i am so grateful to have found a genuine site that saved me expense of buying from untrustworthy sites. If anyone can help me with these details I'd be soooo grateful. My email is katykaty66@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHi, I don't have any rep bags, but I do have Michael Kors cross body bag. Im new to bloodspot, so can I sent some pictures to ur email?? Thanx F
ReplyDeletehi i just wonder if this bag from jacky's or what is it a good bargain?
Hi there...I have never bought a fake before so I do not have any pictures and my authentic bags are from high street. How do I get the website from you. Please email me at nefertir@gmail.com. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI have never bought a bag in my life (except from luggge that is), but i would love to buy two prada saffiano lookalikes for my mom and sis.
ReplyDeleteI would prefer if they were no-names of good quality (police in europe fine people wearing replicas) but if reps is the only way to go, then so be it (as long as the rep is well made and hard to spot as a rep that is).
I have read extensively of Jacky, Fang, Catty and Joy. I have managed to find Fang and Catty but their Pradas leave something to be desired. Would love to see what if Jacky (he seems to be the current go-to guy according to the forums) have to offer, can you help? I will see to it that you get the rewievs afterwards.
If any of you know of any no-names with very similar design and quality as the Prada Saffiano Lux, then give a shout!
Hi I am new to the board and loving all the posts. I am embarrassed to say as a newbie I have no idea who jacky is ;). Am looking or a replica Chloe Marci bag. Any help would be appreciated. Thx.
ReplyDeleteHi craftress. I was wondering if MK or Rebecca Minkoff were ok brands to review. They are the newer, lesser priced brands and I wasn't sure is you would take reviews for them.
ReplyDeleteHi, Just wanted to make sure you are accepting reviews of bags. I have a few from Catty that I could review.
ReplyDeleteHi, I have recently bought a LVspeedy 30 & Mulberry Medium Lily. I can send you picks. In return I would like to share Jacky´s info. :) Please mail me at oslobuyer2013@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHi... anyone willing to share the info of these trust worthy sellers? Jacky or cathy or anyone? What about fangfangbag? Is it trust worthy? Please email me loopeeta@yahoo.com tahnks
ReplyDeletehi i want jackys info he used to b my source but i'vent orderdered in a while was just wondering to start up again he usually used to have the same email address but now that has seemed to change as well can you pls give me his information if not can you pls pass it on to him nightsprincess@hotmail.com he knows as i used to b his client tnx
ReplyDeleteon the last comment once i buy i will post a review nightsprincess@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to get Jacks info my email is cater2uhtown@yahoo.com, thank you!
ReplyDeletecan you send me Jacky's or Catty's e-mail, my email is tran.lily88@gmail.com. I'll send some pics for you if you'd like to do a review.