Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Authentic Gucci Messenger Bag VS. Replica Gucci Messenger Bag Reviews by Wendy

The following bag review is by the Lovely Wendy. Thank you Wendy for such a great comparison between authentic and replica of the Gucci Messenger bag. 

Authentic Gucci Messenger Bag VS. Replica Gucci Messenger Bag
So I thought about doing a review with my Replica Gucci Messenger Bag vs. my sister’s authentic messenger bag. The colors and logo matches up. Stitching is perfect. Leather on the strap is a bit off, but not noticeable unless compared side by side. Replica strap is a bit darker than the authentic bag strap. I ordered this bag off Posh****.com and it took about 7 days to arrive! When I received this bag I couldn’t believe it. I really enjoy this bag a lot for a replica. 

Right is authentic left is replica
Left is authentic right is replica



1 comment:

  1. I always like to purchase the things like handbags, watches and other luxury things. This time I am going to purchase two replica bags, one for me and the other for my cousin. So please suggest me some models and brands. Thanks.
